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the puckits

This website has been written for those who don't know the game. It has been created to offer a certain token of awareness of what really goes on below the surface. (The 'about' webpage gives more information on the 'SeeTheGame' project).
If you have not had the opportunity to experience the game, then we hope you enjoy the content.
If you have had the opportunity to experience the game, then you'll be respected for using limited 'dry-time' on a computer, before leaping back in the water.

The sport of Underwater Hockey provides a game that thrives on the energy and skills of individual players working as an incredibly dynamic team.....

Surface chaos of bums, fins and boggle eyed beings? So, just what on earth goes on below the surface?
A Cam-Pod video system is designed to reveal the game.
Underwater Hockey IS a Spectator Sport...
...It's just that the disturbed water surface, prevents spectators from spectating!
Underwater Hockey IS a Spectator Sport...
...when the air/water surface interface is 'bridged'.
Talent, Timing, Teamwork..... Tis Tfun Too!

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www seethegame info
email: editor@seethegame.info

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